Which payment method
would you like to use?
Credit card
For information on how to restart a Hulu account, please refer to this help article: How do I restart my Hulu account with a credit card?
DOCOMO Billing (d-Barai)
For information on how to restart a Hulu account, please refer to this help article: How do I restart my Hulu account with DOCOMO Billing (d-Barai)?
au payment
For information on how to restart a Hulu account, please refer to this help article: How do I restart my Hulu account with au payment?
SoftBank/Y!mobile payment
For information on how to restart a Hulu account, please refer to this help article: How do I restart my Hulu account with SoftBank/Y!mobile payment?
Google Play Billing
For information on how to restart a Hulu account, please refer to this help article: How do I restart my Hulu account with Google Play Billing?
Hulu Ticket
For information on how to restart a Hulu account, please refer to this help article: How do I restart my Hulu account with Hulu Ticket?
For information on how to restart a Hulu account, please refer to this help article: How do I restart my Hulu account with LINE Pay?
iTunes payment (Apple TV, iPhone, iPad)
For information on how to restart a Hulu account, please refer to this help article: How do I restart my Hulu account with iTunes Store payment?
For information on how to restart a Hulu account, please refer to this help article: How do I restart my Hulu account with PayPal?
Amazon In-app Purchasing
For information on how to restart a Hulu account, please refer to this help article: How do I restart my Hulu account with Amazon In-app Purchasing?
Cable TV Payment
Sign-up from cable television is required. For more information, please contact cable television.