If you get this error message, please check and update your account from Account page.
- Registration is not completed. Please enter payment information
- Subscription has ended, please re-subscribe to view content.
- Payment cannot be confirmed. Please resume your subscription from iTunes Store.
Have you restarted the account?
Registration is not completed. Please enter payment information:
The account you are logged in is an unregistered account with no billing information registered. Once you have registered your billing information, you can watch the Hulu content.
When you have already registered your payment information or have been charged, you may have an account with a different email address. Log out and log in again with the relevant account.
When you have already registered your payment information or have been charged, you may have an account with a different email address. Log out and log in again with the relevant account.
Subscription has ended, please re-subscribe to view content.:
The account you are logged in is a canceled account. When you restart your subscription, you can watch the Hulu content.
When you have already registered your payment information or have been charged, you may have an account with a different email address. Log out and log in again with the relevant account.
Payment cannot be confirmed. Please resume your subscription from iTunes Store.
Have you restarted the account?:The account you are logged in has failed the payment process due to unexpected reasons and is on hold (the account is temporarily unavailable). Please update the payment information. Once the payment process is complete, you can watch the Hulu content with the account you are log in. For more information about how to update your payment method, please refer to this article: The last charge failed, and now my account is put on suspension.
When you have already registered your payment information or have been charged, you may have an account with a different email address. Please let our support team know the following information to confirm your account.
- Your full name, as well as any other names that could possibly be on the account
- Your date of birth
- E-mail addresses you might have used
- Payment information
- The last 4 digits of the credit card
- PayPal account e-mail address
Please Note: Hulu Japan service is Only Available in Japan.