To check Softbank order number:
1. Log in to My SoftBank (In Japanese only).
2. Select [メニュー] at the upper right corner, then [ソフトバンクまとめて支払い].
3. Select [ご利用履歴].
4. Select [確認する] under Hulu.
5. You will see a 14 digit order number.
To check Y!mobile order number:
1. Log in to My Y!mobile (In Japanese only).
2. Select [メニュー] at the upper right corner, then [オンライン利用案内] with a yen mark.
3. Select [ソフトバンクまとめて支払い利用履歴].
3. Select [ご利用履歴].
4. Select [確認する] under Hulu.
5. You will see a 14 digit order number.